Every step of Usain career was incredible. Specially those 41 steps to break the world record.
In his World Record 100 meters race Usain Bolt took 41 steps. As Usain raced one last time, we challenged the world to swipe through the 41 unique pieces of art, each representing a milestone in Usain’s career as fast as Usain runs 100m. The result was a beautiful stop-motion animation showing Usain’s historic career run.
2018 Andy Awards:
Gold - Craft
2018 Clio Sports Awards:
Gold - Social Media
2018 One Show:
Merit - Innovation in Mobile
Merit - Innovation in Social Media
Merit - Craft / Art Direction
Merit - Use of Technology
2018 Webby's:
Nominee: Games - General Sports
Nominee: Best Use of Social Media
Chief Creative Officer: Renato Fernandez
Creative Directors: Mark Peters, Doug Menezes
Creatives: Paulo Cruz, Ben Tolbert, Chris Juhas